Data Cabling, Installation Washington DC

Planning the Cabling for Your New Location – Part 2

15 Jun 2018

Data Cabling Installation | Office Cabling Washington DCAs discussed in Part 1, moving often overwhelms staff, and cabling for data, power, communications, and security may not be prioritized adequately. Part 2 will discuss Health & Safety, Flexibility, Future Growth, and Structured Cabling. Consult with an experienced and expert cabling company prior to starting your project to get the best results.

Health & Safety

Consideration should be given to the health and safety of both employees and staff when planning the cabling at your new facility. Wiring that provides connections to equipment and telecommunications and power companies should not endanger the welfare of people by blocking emergency exits, ventilation ducts, and cooling systems.

Ensure that regulatory compliance for securing certain types of sensitive or personal data will be met. This will require locating data storage, servers, and equipment processing transactions properly. Their positions should be considered during the mapping process.


Market conditions can become very fluid, and perhaps only a brief time after moving into a new location will an organization have to make changes in its cabling. Well-designed structured cabling will ensure flexibility that allows a company to make additions and revisions in the most efficient and fastest manner possible to reallocate resources.

Future Growth

The cabling of an organization should give allowance for future expansion of its IT infrastructure. The growth of its business may require the company to seek greater bandwidth, increased communication channels, more electrical power, and additional space. Although the future of a business is often very hard to predict, it is still possible to make projections given the current market and its prospects in the coming years.

Structured Cabling

Having your data, communications, and power cabling installed by several different contractors will work against a properly configured cabling system. This haphazard approach may also result in higher management and maintenance costs. Governed by proven industry standards, a structured cabling system will provide a company an integrated IT infrastructure that allows for ease of maintenance, flexibility, and expansion.

Progressive Office Cabling

Founded in 1986, Progressive Office’s success has been a direct result of years of commitment to seeking solutions on behalf of our clients in the Washington, D.C. and New York City areas. Efficiently working together, Progressive teams get cabling installed and operating as fast as possible while minimizing disruption and downtime. Call our toll free number (800) 614-4560 today.

Network Cabling ,Washington DC

Network Cabling Repair Solutions

9 Nov 2023

Network Cabling, Washington DC Installing network cabling in your business is one of the best decisions that you can make for increasing efficiency and improving customer service capabilities without increasing staff.  Employees connected to a network can often share information with co-workers and customers in a manner that is much faster and much safer than is possible with PCs that operate independently.

There is no doubt that a functioning computer network can give you a number of advantages when it comes to conducting business and servicing customers.  But serious problems with communication and security can arise though if there happens to be issues with your network cabling system.  A network cabling system that hasn’t been properly installed or that

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Office Cabling Network Cabling

Printer Security Issue – Scanned Images on hard drives

27 Dec 2009

Office Cabling, Network CablingModern printers, scanners and photocopying machines often have a similar hard drive to those found in computers. And these machines as a convenience to the user automatically store any document that has been printed or copied on the hard drive. This technology dates back to around 2004. So, it is now very common to have a printer or copier that is storing images on an internal hard drive.

This means that these devices may contain sensitive data on the hard drive which must be destroyed. This is often an overlooked security issue which could result in a data breach. Tax returns, photo IDs and other sensitive business documents are regularly copied and printed on office systems.

The security breach occurs because when several copies of a document are needed, the document is scanned just once and the copies are made from the file that has been saved on the hard disk. This data can be accessed by removing the hard drive from the printer or copy machine and connecting it to a PC. And there are no existing standards which state how the data on these devices should be permanently removed however the same measures must be practiced as when erasing computer hard drives.

If you plan on selling or trading in your printer or copier, first verify if it has an internal hard drive. If it has one, use the same precautions you would use if you were removing a computer or server from your office network. Remove and erase or destroy the internal hard drive data.

If you need help, please contact us!

Why I like Mozilla’s Firefox as my browser

11 Oct 2009
firefox-vs-internet-explorerI used to use Microsoft Internet Explorer as my browser but I stopped a few years ago. I switched to Firefox because I had heard that it was a very good browser and it is free. The switch was painless because it transfered over all of my bookmarks and it is a very good browser. I imagine both browsers have a lot of the same features. I think the pressure of Mozilla has made Microsoft compete in a way that they are not used to. But what I will summarize what I like best about Firefox that keeps me using it...
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Spyware Definition and Protection

24 Sep 2009

spyware help dcSpyware is usually defined as a type of malware (software that gathers information from a computer without the user's knowledge or consent). Some spyware applications may also be deliberately installed and often contain advertisements, window pop-ups or different types of unpleasant software. Ideally, spyware and other malware should be prevented from intruding.quote icon

Currently, the most common source of infection is websites with potentially dangerous content in emails. Other methods of transmission include e-mail or transmission by worms and viruses. The most important protection is to use an always-on background scanner, such as the cutting edge NCES Spyware component. It works like a resident shield and scans applications in the background as they run.