Structured Cabling, Cabling, Washington DC

Improve Data Center Reliability with Structured Cabling – Part 2

29 Nov 2017

Structured Cabling, Cabling, Washington DCAs mentioned in Part 1, data center efficiency can be improved by properly planning and implementing structured cabling principles. In addition, structured cabling best practices should be the foundation of every data center. Part 2 will discuss Cabling Infrastructure and Improved Network Function.

Cabling Infrastructure

It would be wise to constantly keep the future in mind while you are installing your cabling infrastructure. Setting aside space will allow for expansion. The goal is to make your structured cabling both sound and dependable.

Testing Policy – After the addition or removal of equipment, testing every connection makes sure that a data center will be reliable over time. Performing these tests as a standard practice will help prevent issues that result in downtime. Inconsistent testing practices will result in an unreliable data center.

Standardization – The standardization of cable and rack usage will significantly facilitate maintenance. When there is a meltdown, the managers and engineers of a data center won’t have any doubts as to the types of cables and configuration of racks that are being utilized.

Documentation – When proper documentation is neglected, the training of new staff members will be much more difficult and take longer. The addition of equipment and related components will also result in more errors. Good documentation is integral for every sound structured cable system.

Spare Cables – The stocking of spare cables to prepare for contingencies will help prepare a data center for crises that may strike a structured cabling system.

Improved Network Function

A data center will have losses of up to $10,000 for each minute of unplanned outage. Implementing the best practices of TIA/ISO standards will raise the performance of a structured cabling system and make a data center more reliable. Its computer network will have the following benefits:

  • Greater responsiveness

  • Increased reliability and overall performance

  • More secure data backup, storage, and retrieval

  • Flexibility for accommodating additional computer terminals and components

  • Capable of supporting telephony and other network-dependent systems

Progressive Office Cabling

Founded in 1986, Progressive Office’s success has been a direct result of years of commitment to seeking solutions on behalf of our clients in the Washington, D.C. and New York City areas. Efficiently working together, Progressive teams get cabling installed and operating as fast as possible while minimizing disruption and downtime. Call our toll free number (800) 614-4560 today.