Data Cabling, Cat5e, Cat6/6a Cabling,cost cutting

Crunch the Numbers by Switching to VOIP

8 Jun 2011

VOIP phone service Data Cabling, Cat5e ,Cat6/6a Cabling may not be found in quite as many offices as traditional land line service but once small business owners examine the facts and figures that could very well change. VOIP offers small business owners all of the features that they couldn’t run their businesses without at a substantially lower rate than their current land line business service.

It doesn’t matter if you only make a few dozen or you make several hundred calls per day, implementing voice over internet protocol phone service into your business operations will save you money.

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Extending your Reach with VOIP

1 Jun 2011

voip phoneIf you are hoping to maximize the success of your small business there is a good chance that you’ll need customers or clients that extend beyond your town, region or state.  The problem for many small businesses lies in the fact that reaching out to these non local customers (and vendors) can be exceedingly expensive with traditional telephone service.

Frequent long distance calling can have a profound impact on what is likely to be an already reasonably high phone bill.   With traditional phone service you probably pay extra for features like voicemail, caller ID, conference calling and an additional rate per minute for calls outside

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Microsoft,Phone Industry,Iphone,Palm,Palm Pre Phone,Operating System,Software,Pc,Computing

Multi-tasking cell phones, the next wave

3 Jul 2009

Network Cabling,Washington DC, New York City palm_preThe golden age of PCs was DOS. Why? Because the OS made it very easy to write quick, powerful programs. DOS was a simple single-tasking operating system. It was easy to program on DOS because their were a lot of vendors with competing compilers that made writing applications relatively simple.

With the release of Windows, Microsoft made things much more complicated and then made it so complicated that Microsoft is now one of the ONLY company that can develop sophisticated applications on Windows. Unfortunately, Microsoft is not really very good at programming and does not need to innovate because they don't have any competition.

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IT Support, Washington DC

Free Business and Legal Documents

4 Apr 2008

Sometimes the best computer advice I can give is to develop proper procedures and to have everything documented properly. Well, I was looking for a legal document  IT Support, Washington DCand I was prepared to have to go to a legal document website and pay for it if I had to. But then I came across and discovered a website that has hundreds (maybe thousands) of legal, professional and business documents for free.

The website describes itself as a place to find and share professional documents. There is no cost so I am sure you need to be careful because some documents need to be designed to address the peculiarities of the state you are living or working in. But it had what I was looking for and it seems like a very useful site. I also downloaded a document so that I could feel like I was contributing. So, I am posting it here and I hope that you are able to take advantage of this resource. If you do, leave a comment. I would very much like to know what you think of the site.

Progressive Office, Inc is an IT support company in Washington, DC.