Written by Stu Kushner

Why I like Mozilla’s Firefox as my browser

firefox-vs-internet-explorerI used to use Microsoft Internet Explorer as my browser but I stopped a few years ago. I switched to Firefox because I had heard that it was a very good browser and it is free. The switch was painless because it transfered over all of my bookmarks and it is a very good browser. I imagine both browsers have a lot of the same features. I think the pressure of Mozilla has made Microsoft compete in a way that they are not used to. But what I will summarize what I like best about Firefox that keeps me using it…

  1. Internet Explorer is Microsoft and Microsoft is a target in a way that is unique. A lot of security threats to your computer are aimed at Internet Explorer. So, I believe that using IE puts my computer at higher risk.
  2. I like the functionality and flexibility of Firefox. It is a very user-friendly browser.
  3. I especially like the Add-ons that are available. My two favorite Add-ons are XMarks (for saving my bookmarks/password) and Cooliris for looking at images. But there are hundreds of other Add-ons.

Let me know if you have other reasons that you like Firefox. And, if you prefer Internet Explorer, help me understand why I should switch back!

About Stu Kushner

Stu Kushner began his career at Boeing Commercial Aircraft and then on to Hexcel and Case/Rixon where he specialized in CAD/CAM (computer design and robotics). In 1986, he started Progressive Office. The earliest years were about networking small businesses and providing IT support. But since 2008, the company has concentrated exclusively on providing office network cabling solutions.