Data Cabling,Structured Cabling,Washington DC

How Improper Cabling Causes Network Issues – Part 1

5 Sep 2018

Data Cabling Structured Cabling Washington DCYour employees are dissatisfied by their company’s network performance, and it is affecting their productivity. A number of factors must be taken into consideration. How many users are attempting to use resources simultaneously? Have you taken into account how much the use of devices has grown? Is your network equipment sufficient to meet demand? Answering the above questions will help, but network issues may be directly related to your company’s structured cabling.

Outdated Cabling

In many instances, the age of your structured cabling system may be responsible for poor network performance. 15-year-old cabling may have met standards when it was installed, but now it may be unable to handle the ever increasing network traffic needs of your company.

An internet service provider (ISP) provides the cable that provides the connection from your company’s network to the internet. When this backbone component fails to meet today’s bandwidth standards, bottlenecks may occur.

In situations where you are attempting to operate at speeds that are too high or carry excessive bandwidth via a cable that not rated for the capacity, it will be noticeable to users and their productivity will decline, hampering business operations.

Quality of Cabling

Cabling manufacturers rate their cables in terms of capability and performance. For example, CAT6 and CAT6a cabling have different capabilities, CAT being an abbreviation for category. A manufacturer must meet the performance standards set by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) for each category of cabling.

Cabling that exceeds minimum standards will attain higher network speeds without having to upgrade your cabling. In contrast, for cabling that only meets the minimum standards, the company network speed will be unable to expand much beyond the rating of the cable.

It is helpful to understand cable standards and ratings. Even though a cable is labeled Category 6A, it is not automatic that it meets the minimum performance standards of this category. The brand name and manufacturing quality will play a big role in the cable’s output.

Part 2 will discuss Compatibility, Patch Cords, and Poor Installation.

Progressive Office Cabling

Founded in 1986, Progressive Office’s success has been a direct result of years of commitment to seeking solutions on behalf of our clients in the Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Pittsburgh and New York City areas. Efficiently working together, Progressive teams get cabling installed and operating as fast as possible while minimizing disruption and downtime. Call our toll free number (800) 614-4560 today.

structured cabling, Data Cabling ,Cat5e, Cat6/6a Cabling

Powerful Networks in Structured Cabling

16 May 2015

structured cabling, Data Cabling ,Cat5e, Cat6/6a CablingIt is known that structured cabling systems are fabricated to guarantee that information flows efficiently through the network. Such system are made up of transmission products installed based on appropriate guidelines in engineering design. These enable users to put into operation voice and data systems that capitalizes on speed.

This particular configuration has emerged as shared platform for multiple information technology applications. These include voice and data, building automation, security mechanisms, telecommunications conferencing, and fire alarms. This union transformed the structured cabling platform into the most essential network element. Therefore, it calls for a crucial investment in a very reliable, adaptable and scalable cabling structure.

High-performance Networks

This efficient and complex cabling scheme segregates the whole infrastructure into controllable blocks. After that, it puts them together to come up with a high-performance network. This end product is the vital link for many enterprises and all data hubs. Such a system facilitates consistency across the network particularly for commercial building structures. Consistency generates cost-effectiveness by standardizing maintenance processes, cutting down on manpower requirements, and improving reliability.

The “structured” design makes possible easy management by identifying specific distribution points, regular labeling and color codes, cabling management, and distribution techniques. As a rule, data facility managers use dynamic methodologies to fill the center with information technology equipment. This accommodates the evolving needs of business operations which frequently compel the need for the most modern IT equipment. Since companies rely on equipment as well as infrastructure, management believes requirements for additional IT capability should be made promptly. If the infrastructure is below par, upgrades will be much more difficult.

Crucial Concerns

The best IT specialists see to it that problems in structured cabling systems are dealt with immediately. One of the primary concerns is to employ highly competent service providers and coordinate entry points/space for each provider. This procedure enhances flaw tolerance of the overall system design. The high-performance model supports aggregate telecommunications requirements and thereby leads to a maximum returns on investments.

Centralized Intermediate Distribution Frames (IDFs) should be in centralized locations in the office facility. This will produce efficient cable management and will ease the addition of new equipment. This design technique has been adopted to avoid any disruption of the data unit or minimized once changes or upgrades are implemented. Telecommunications rooms contain the IDFs, main distribution frames and entrance facilities. Switches are installed in the middle of server rows for economical management.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your office network cabling.