structured cabling, Data Cabling, cabling tester

Facts about Data Cable Testing

6 May 2015

structured cabling, Data Cabling,  cabling testerTesting always plays a vital role in the process of installing new cables or servicing existing ones. Regular testers for data cabling include length, wire crimper map, attenuation, return loss, and DC loop resistance.

Complex Cabling Needs

Cabling infrastructure requirements have become more complicated. More standards are being developed for cabling professionals in testing and troubleshooting copper and fiber cables. And there are special requirements as well as downsides in the implementation of new  technologies. From 10BASE-T to 100BASE-TX to 1000BASE-T and now to 10GBASE-T. It is now more crucial to keep in step with the most up-to-date techniques in cable testing too. In short, cable testing infuses a higher degree of assurance that installed cable links will attain the preferred transmission capacity for your data communications.

Cabling Tester Categories

Cable testing instruments have been manufactured with unique features for specific tasks. Costs, performance, and applications vary. These depend on the required functions. The three main functions are certification, qualification and verification. Although certain attributes overlap, each category answers a particular testing prerequisite.

Certification facilitates conformity to standards defines by the industry. These are instruments signal a “Pass” or “Fail” towards data testing compliance within standardized industry norms. These testing instruments will find out whether a cable link conforms to a category or class such as Cat6 or Cat5e. It is the last step required by most structured cabling installers towards approval of a new  installation.

Qualification determines if the existing cable is capable of supporting specific network speeds. This special class of testers is supposed to meet the up-and-coming requirements of network technicians who troubleshoot data networks. These testers perform checks to make a decision on whether a present cable link supports the requirements for fast or gigabit Ethernet. With these instruments, network technicians can identify and isolate cabling issues. While Continuity testers do not perform the series of tests set down by these standards and are not  considered certification tools.

Verification makes sure that cabling connections are correct. This type of tool performs a continuity test. It guarantees all wires in the cabling link have been attached properly to termination points at each end. For twisted pair cabling, there is an appropriate pairing of the wires. Such testing tools also confirm wire pairing and find out installation flaws such as split pairs. These can also help in troubleshooting by working with a toner to pinpoint a certain cabling link. These testing tools do not give out any information regarding bandwidth and data integrity.

If you need your cabling tested or certified, contact us!

Structured Cabling,Office Cabling

Cabling Pointers for Effective Data Center Management

5 Feb 2015

Structured Cabling,Office Cabling,datac enterThe data center supports the lifeblood of corporate enterprises. Communications stop due to the malfunction of this facility. Unfortunately, multiple issues can affect the data hub and incorrect cabling can be one of them. Planning is the key to boosting the efficiency of data center cabling.

 Here are some things to consider:

  1. Measure cables with care. Otherwise, you produce a twisted “rat's nest” and an unnecessary waste of money.

  2. Put a label on both tips of your cables which include patch and short runs. This will be useful if you need to test a cluster of circuits. It will not be confusing if you unplug several patch cables. You know where each single cable is connected. The marking system must be consistent at all times.

  3. Never rush on termination of cables. And redo in cases where cables lose connectivity. Avoid purchasing and using cheap products. You will end up spending more in the long-term.

  4. Test the cables first and make sure it passes the mark for continuity.  If not, you have to do it all over again. And always use a high-quality tester to avoid unwarranted work.

  5. Patch cables must be kept short. Remember that rack servers are only one foot away from each other. Patch cables with a length of three feet are definitely not appropriate. Combine testing and terminating capabilities to make sure that patch cables connect accurately. Additional lengths will cause a lot of twisting.

  6. Come up with a color coding technique. A single color is ideal for patch cables and cable runs. However, it is possible to utilize specific color cables for specific purposes. Avoid random colors. It will be easier to follow cable functions and resolve problems if your color has a purpose. Blue for data, white for voice is a common standard.

  7. Your design must be cable-friendly. Do not put a rack in a place where it is not possible to run your cable effectively. You may end up with cables dropping from the ceiling or scattered on the floor. Expansion should also be in your planning so you know when and how to make adjustments.

  8. Separate electric wires from Cat5/6 cables. Power lines can distort communications. The effects will be to have connection and data transmission issues that can result in data corruptions.

  9. Be careful about excessive temperature. Make sure that the cables are cool and not hot since this can result in cabling decomposition. The data center should be designed in a way that servers and networks are always at a comfortable temperature.

If you need help in designing your structured data cabling system, please feel free to call or contact us. We do free cabling site proposals.

Network cabling, NetworkTopologies.

Essential Facts About Cabling System

14 Dec 2014

Network cabling, NetworkTopologies.Your office cabling system is costly and complicated investment. It's also a commitment to an office design and structure that is not easy to modify. If you add more workstations later, new cabling might be needed.

Most offices have a structured cabling topology that hardwires the cables from wallplate to patch panel. With this system, modifications are less likely because the initial installaiont includes a planning process that should anticipate some expansion. By pre-wiring potential locations in an existing or newly-constructed building, future moves, additions or alterations are avoided. You can just transfer patched cables in the wiring closet. Also, it is critical to number the wallplates to match the corresponding patch panel number. This will make it much easier to relocate a workstation or to troubleshoot a connectivity problem.

There are several sub-systems to consider:

  • The Demark refers to the point where the Internet Service Provider's (ISP) data line comes to an end and hooks up with the cabling in the building.

  • The equipment room serves as storage for all apparatus and wiring integration points.

  • Backbone cabling are high-speed cables (typically Cat6 or fiber) that connect various floors or wall closets.

  • The horizontal cabling for links up the network space to individual wallplates. These are done through conduits and ceiling spaces on every level.

  • The telecommunications enclosures are wall or floor mounted cages that hold the network equipment; primarily the patch panels ands switches but also sometimes the server and Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) too.

Installation and design of structured cabling is regulated by standards that identify the following:

  • Network data switches

  • Offices layout for voice & data communications for Cat5e or Cat6 cable

  • Fiber Optic cables for backbones

  • Modular connectors at the wallplate

These components will guide the layout of cables in order to fulfill the data access requirements of your office. All of the cables start at the patch panel on a mounted rack (about 19 inches wide) in the wall closet. From there, they traverse through the drop ceiling and down the walls to individual wallplates. Quite often a wallplate will host 2 or more connections. At the wallplate a short patch cable, usually 7 to 14 feet in length wil connect the computer, phone, printer or other networked device.

All cabling standards require that all of the eight conductors in Cat5, Cat5e and Cat6 cables are inter-connected in a precise color-coded pattern. The network cable connects each device but some devices can share a single cable. This is true for VoIP phones. Most VoIP phones have a jack for the network cable and then a jack on the phone for connecting the computer. This pass-thru enables the two devices to share one connection.

Cat5e Cat6/6a Cabling,Office Cabling

Handling Cat5/Cat5e Cabling

19 Nov 2014

cat 5e,Network cabling, cables, Atlanta GAInformation Technology specialists have to choose the kind of cable to utilize for their networks. Cat5 has been one of the main choices for decades. This is because Cat5 supports 10/100 Ethernet which includes Fast Ethernet. In recent years, Cat5e has become the dominant choice for new cabling projects. And Cat5e cable is also backwards compatible. Your computers, phone and other network devices will work on Cat5e cable.

One handling issue is the electrical interference

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Data Cabling Cat5e Cat6/6a Cabling

Abandoned Cable Liability Issue

17 Oct 2013
 Cabling,Data Cabling Cat5e Cat6/6a Cabling

As tenants come and go in a commercial building, the cabling infrastructure sometimes leaves behind abandoned Cat5, Cat6 and coax cabling. All that needs to happen is for the new tenant to request a reconfigured layout that relocates the main wall closet. Or, sometimes the old tenant will cut away the cabling in order to take the patch panels with them. If possible, keep the wall closet location. And always offer to buy the patch panels from a departing tenant.

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network cabling, data cabling

Perfect Patch Panel Installation

4 Jun 2013
This project involved installation of 28 double drops into two 48-port patch panels. Each wall plate has two connections with one dedicated to data and the other dedicated to voice. Price Benowitz has a lovely office at 409 7th Street, NW. The building is historic but renovated into a modern office. So, the drop ceilings and hollow walls facilitated a straight-forward installation of the Cat5e network cabling system.
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Structured-Cabling,Data Cabling

What is “Structured Cabling”?

14 Mar 2013

Structured-CablingStructured cabling is a telecommunications cabling infrastructure consisting of a number of standardized smaller elements called subsystems.

Structured cabling falls into five subsystems:

  1. A Demarcation point is the connection point where the telephone company network ends and the customer’s on-premise wiring connection begins.

  2. Equipment or Telecommunications Rooms contain equipment and wiring points that serve the users inside a building.

  3. Vertical or Riser Cabling connects between the equipment/telecommunications rooms on different floors.
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Office Network Cabling,Cat6 Cable, Network Patch Cable

Determining Your Office Network Cabling Needs

14 Jan 2011

Office Cabling, Network CablingNetwork Patch CableA faster office is a more productive office right?  That means, because you wish your computer equipment to operate at the speed of light, that Cat6 cable is the only way to go – or is it?

Just because you are making upgrades to faster equipment office wide, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll have to invest in Cat6 cable.  It’s true that Cat6 has twice the bandwidth of Cat5 and that it is far superior in performance than either Cat5 or Cat5e.  Cat6 is also capable of transferring data at a much faster rate, but in most regular office applications Cat5e is more than capable of handling the required workload.

Your new computers, internet service and office communication system may be much faster than the one that you are replacing, but that’s not the only thing to consider when selecting a networking cable.  If you aren’t transferring exceedingly large amounts of data or operating virtual PCs, Cat6 cable may be much more cable than you need and cost much more money than you need to spend.

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Network cabling,Office Cabling in DC

Upgrading or Adding to Your Network – Progressive Office can Help

12 Jan 2011

Office Cabling in DCThere could be any number of reasons that your voice and data system may be changing.  You might be adding more PCs or phone lines; adding a dedicated server to store critical data or adding scanners or printers to more adequately serve customer needs.

In order to ensure a seamless transition into your larger, upgraded network there’s a very good chance that you’ll need upgrades or

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