network cabling,voip phone system

Affordable Growth with VOIP

24 Jun 2011
network cabling,voip phone systemEvery small business owner hopes that their endeavor is successful and that their business can continue to grow and expand. With a traditional land line phone system making the necessary changes for growth can be complex and expensive but a VOIP phone system allows for easy and affordable expansion.

Adding phones to a traditional business phone system requires additional equipment that needs to be installed by a technician. This additional equipment could take several hours to install and will most certainly drive up equipment leasing and maintenance costs. Just because your business is growing it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve got to spend more each month to communicate effectively with your expanding customer base though.
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Network Cabling Data Cabling, Cat5e ,Cat6/6a Cabling,savings

Immediate and Long Terms Savings of Upgrading to VOIP

13 Jun 2011

Network Cabling ,Data Cabling ,Cat5e, Cat6/6a Cabling,Voip Phone ServiceYou may be experiencing plenty of success with your current business phone system but when you analyze the available information you may realize and even greater opportunity by switching to VOIP phone service. Upgrading your current land line phones to VOIP will provide you with an immediate and noticeable savings on your operating expenses and those savings will continue and grow moving forward.Upgrading

With voice over internet protocol you’ll be able to realize immediate savings on your expenses by

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Extending your Reach with VOIP

1 Jun 2011

voip phoneIf you are hoping to maximize the success of your small business there is a good chance that you’ll need customers or clients that extend beyond your town, region or state.  The problem for many small businesses lies in the fact that reaching out to these non local customers (and vendors) can be exceedingly expensive with traditional telephone service.

Frequent long distance calling can have a profound impact on what is likely to be an already reasonably high phone bill.   With traditional phone service you probably pay extra for features like voicemail, caller ID, conference calling and an additional rate per minute for calls outside

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cat5,cat6 cables, data cabling,voip

Planning for Success with VOIP

27 May 2011

cat5,cat6 cables, data cabling,voipYour current business phone system may allow your employees to provide the best possible service right now but what would happen if your small business began to grow?  Is your current business phone system capable of growing right along with your expanding business?  Your current provider will likely tell you that scaling up your service would be no issue at all, what they probably won’t tell you is that the scale up would require a substantial investment on your part.

Traditional land line business phone systems require a good deal of equipment in order to function.  When you want to make changes, upgrades or additions to your current system

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Office Cabling, Network Cabling

Keeping Your Small Business Updated and Up-to-Date with Network Cabling

4 Feb 2011

 Office Cabling ,Network CablingIn the days before office networking was common, upgrading necessary software programs could be a monumental expense for an office with several PCs.  A small business owner with meager margins may have struggled to pay for the purchase of individual programs for every single PC in the office in order to make a full upgrade.

Many software manufacturers now offer licensing agreements for networks that is a much more cost effective option for initializing a complete office upgrade for an expensive program.  A licensing agreement can make it possible for a business owner to upgrade the software on a

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